Tom Davis Makes A Fool of Himself

Congressman Davis on a rampage to defend the corruption of Lurita Doan and this administration even publicly released a private email from Scott Bloch of the Office of Special Counsel (OSC) to a personal friend mocking Davis.

“It is Congressman Tom Davis, who has been acting like Doan’s defense counsel, saying reckless things about OSC’s report and calling for my resignation. Weird Kabuki theatre, all of this. I am going up for my Reauthorization hearing on July 12, and Davis will either show up as ranking member of the larger committee, or have Cong. Mica do his dirty work of raking me over the coals.”

So Davis is on a mission to prove to the world that he is as silly as Bloch predicted. Does he not get how stupid he looks publicizing someone’s personal email describing just how pathetic he is?

5 Responses to “Tom Davis Makes A Fool of Himself”

  1. Dr. Jeffrey Fudin Says:

    Scott Bloch belongs in jail!

  2. brimur Says:

    um, ok

  3. whistleblower Says:

    Hey, Davis is holding a barbeque at on August 3 and Scott Bloch is invited! Don’t agree with you about Davis … he’s a good man.

  4. M79_GI Says:

    Hey Dr. Fudd, Why don’t you leave the politics to the pros? I t is evident by your discourse (or lack thereof) that you are not prepared to discuss this issue. Please try to refrain from leaving moronic comments.

  5. BusterD Says:

    No wonder this congress has such an abysmal approval ratings. Instead of hounding people for their personal e-mails, they should be cleaning up their own act . What a bunch of schlemiels.

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